Will IBM Jobs Be Replaced by AI?

IBM Stock

As the world rapidly evolves towards automation and artificial intelligence, there is growing concern among employees of various industries regarding the possibility of their jobs being replaced by AI. IBM (IBM:NYE), being one of the leading tech companies in the world, is no exception to this concern.


The Current State of AI at IBM:

IBM has been at the forefront of AI research and development for many years now. The company has invested heavily in AI technologies such as Watson, which is a powerful AI platform that can understand natural language, learn from data, and even reason and make decisions like a human. IBM has also been using AI in its products and services, such as in its cloud computing platform and cybersecurity solutions.


AI and Job Automation:

It is true that AI has the potential to automate certain jobs that are currently being performed by humans. This includes jobs that involve repetitive and mundane tasks, as well as those that require little decision-making or creativity. However, it is important to note that AI is not capable of replacing all jobs.

AI is best suited for tasks that can be broken down into a set of rules and procedures. Jobs that require human interaction, critical thinking, and creativity are less likely to be replaced by AI. In fact, AI has the potential to augment human performance in such jobs, by providing valuable insights and assistance.


The Future of IBM Jobs:

IBM has acknowledged the potential of AI to automate certain jobs, but the company has also emphasized that it is committed to re-skilling and upskilling its employees to prepare them for the changing job landscape. IBM has launched several initiatives aimed at training its employees in AI and related technologies so that they can adapt and evolve alongside the changing job landscape.


IBM Stock Forecast:

Based on the IBM stock forecast from 13 analysts, the average analyst target price for International Business Machines is USD 142.19 over the next 12 months. International Business Machines’s average analyst rating is Hold.

Stock Target Advisor’s own stock analysis of IBM stock is Slightly Bearish, which is based on 5 positive signals and 10 negative signals. At the last closing, International Business Machines’s stock price was USD 126.09. International Business Machines’s stock price has changed by +0.55% over the past week, -3.81% over the past month, and -4.63% over the last year.

IBM Ratings by Stock Target Advisor


In conclusion, while it is true that AI has the potential to automate certain IBM jobs, it is not a foregone conclusion that all jobs will be replaced. AI is best suited for certain tasks, and there will always be a need for human skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and decision-making. IBM is taking steps to prepare its employees for the future of work and is committed to finding ways to work alongside AI to achieve greater efficiency and productivity.

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