Insider Trades for USA and CDN Stocks

META Stock: Analysts Bullish on Stock Despite Controversy

Insider Trades

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Action Date

AFL Aflac Masatoshi Koide Director Sell 30,493 shares @ $79.91 $2,436,695.63 2/16/2024 Current Price
ALTR Altair Engineering James Ralph Scapa CEO Sell 10,000 shares @ $91.07 $910,700.00 2/16/2024 $79.20
ALTR Altair Engineering Jrs Investments Llc major shareholder Sell 5,000 shares @ $91.07 $455,350.00 2/16/2024 $85.92
AMD Advanced Micro Devices Mark D Papermaster EVP Sell 16,200 shares @ $177.57 $2,876,634.00 2/15/2024 $85.92
AMZN Andrew R Jassy CEO Sell 50,000 shares @ $168.65 $8,432,500.00 2/16/2024 $163.19
AMZN Jeffrey P Bezos Insider Sell 5,998,849 shares @ $169.17 $1,014,825,285.33 2/16/2024 $168.17
AMZN Jeffrey P Bezos Insider Sell 2,009,208 shares @ $166.79 $335,115,802.32 2/20/2024 $168.17
AON AON Christa Davies CFO Sell 40,164 shares @ $313.29 $12,582,979.56 2/16/2024 $168.17
AON AON Michael Neller Insider Sell 750 shares @ $312.00 $234,000.00 2/15/2024 $310.81
BANF BancFirst Dennis Jay Hannah EVP Sell 4,000 shares @ $88.45 $353,800.00 2/9/2024 $310.81
BANF BancFirst Dennis Jay Hannah EVP Sell 4,000 shares @ $88.66 $354,640.00 2/12/2024 $86.93
BC Brunswick Ryan M Gwillim CFO Sell 9,036 shares @ $87.10 $787,035.60 2/16/2024 $86.93
BC Brunswick John G Buelow EVP Sell 2,426 shares @ $87.12 $211,353.12 2/16/2024 $87.16
BE Bloom Energy Shawn Marie Soderberg EVP Sell 13,120 shares @ $9.34 $122,540.80 2/16/2024 $87.16
BSX Boston Scientific Daniel J Brennan CFO Sell 13,662 shares @ $65.86 $899,779.32 2/20/2024 $8.79
BYD Boyd Gaming Marianne Boyd Johnson Chairman Sell 77,661 shares @ $64.87 $5,037,869.07 2/15/2024 $65.69
BYD Boyd Gaming Ted Bogich COO Sell 41,631 shares @ $64.79 $2,697,272.49 2/15/2024 $62.27
CBRE CBRE Group Chandra Dhandapani CEO Sell 11,925 shares @ $94.03 $1,121,307.75 2/16/2024 $62.27
CCL Carnival Co. & David Bernstein CFO Sell 153,995 shares @ $15.37 $2,366,903.15 2/15/2024 $90.25
CDNS Cadence Design Systems Thomas P Beckley VP Sell 65,268 shares @ $296.98 $19,383,290.64 2/15/2024 $14.63
CFR Cullen/Frost Bankers Paul Bracher Insider Sell 9,820 shares @ $109.40 $1,074,308.00 2/16/2024 $288.70
CL Colgate-Palmolive Jennifer Daniels Insider Sell 5,790 shares @ $83.96 $486,128.40 2/16/2024 $106.35
CL Colgate-Palmolive Jennifer Daniels Insider Sell 3,538 shares @ $84.67 $299,562.46 2/20/2024 $85.19
CL Colgate-Palmolive Noel R Wallace CEO Sell 69,948 shares @ $84.22 $5,891,020.56 2/20/2024 $85.19
CL Colgate-Palmolive Noel R Wallace CEO Sell 29,772 shares @ $84.06 $2,502,634.32 2/16/2024 $85.19
Company Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Total Transaction Transaction Date $85.19
CORT Corcept Therapeutics Sean Maduck Insider Sell 27,068 shares @ $25.97 $702,955.96 2/16/2024 $21.92
COUR Coursera Shravan Goli COO Sell 35,450 shares @ $16.48 $584,216.00 2/20/2024 $16.21
COUR Coursera Jeffrey Nacey Maggioncalda CEO Sell 50,000 shares @ $16.85 $842,500.00 2/15/2024 $16.21
CRDO Credo Technology Group Yat Tung Lam COO Sell 130,000 shares @ $21.17 $2,752,100.00 2/20/2024 $21.24
CRDO Credo Technology Group William Joseph Brennan CEO Sell 15,000 shares @ $22.39 $335,850.00 2/15/2024 $21.24
CRL Charles River Laboratories International Shannon M Parisotto EVP Sell 5,882 shares @ $241.20 $1,418,738.40 2/15/2024 $236.71
CROX Crocs Ian Bickley Director Sell 16,785 shares @ $120.05 $2,015,039.25 2/16/2024 $115.46
CSL Carlisle Companies D Christian Koch CEO Sell 6,454 shares @ $347.53 $2,242,958.62 2/15/2024 $347.22
CUK Carnival Co. & David Bernstein CFO Sell 153,995 shares @ $15.37 $2,366,903.15 2/15/2024 $13.40
DASH DoorDash Tia Sherringham General Counsel Sell 2,504 shares @ $123.45 $309,118.80 2/15/2024 $115.15
DASH DoorDash Andy Fang Director Sell 67,000 shares @ $110.57 $7,408,190.00 2/16/2024 $115.15
DAWN Day One Biopharmaceuticals Jeremy Bender CEO Sell 7,615 shares @ $15.25 $116,128.75 2/16/2024 $14.88
DT Dynatrace Matthias Dollentz-Scharer Insider Sell 2,076 shares @ $51.91 $107,765.16 2/16/2024 $49.32
DT Dynatrace Rick M Mcconnell CEO Sell 1,991 shares @ $51.91 $103,352.81 2/16/2024 $49.32
DTE DTE Energy Matthew T Paul COO Sell 5,850 shares @ $106.92 $625,482.00 2/15/2024 $108.84
DVA DaVita James O Hearty Insider Sell 26,164 shares @ $119.64 $3,130,260.96 2/16/2024 $120.23
DYN Dyne Therapeutics Jason P Rhodes Director Sell 177,906 shares @ $23.89 $4,250,174.34 2/15/2024 $22.51
DYN Dyne Therapeutics Jason P Rhodes Director Sell 169,539 shares @ $22.72 $3,851,926.08 2/20/2024 $22.51
DYN Dyne Therapeutics Venture Fund Xi L.P. Atlas Major Shareholder Sell 162,707 shares @ $23.14 $3,765,039.98 2/16/2024 $22.51
EA Electronic Arts Stuart Canfield CFO Sell 1,500 shares @ $140.26 $210,390.00 2/20/2024 $140.41
ENSG The Ensign Group Daren Shaw Director Sell 6,000 shares @ $119.67 $718,020.00 2/15/2024 $121.24
FCFS FirstCash Douglas Richard Rippel Director Sell 31,930 shares @ $119.68 $3,821,382.40 2/16/2024 $118.02
FCFS FirstCash Douglas Richard Rippel Director Sell 28,412 shares @ $118.16 $3,357,161.92 2/20/2024 $118.02
FOLD Amicus Therapeutics John F Crowley Chairman Sell 31,614 shares @ $13.81 $436,589.34 2/15/2024 $13.57
FTV Fortive Tamara S Newcombe CEO Sell 5,000 shares @ $85.00 $425,000.00 2/16/2024 $83.98
GTX Garrett Motion Cyrus Capital Partners, L.P. Major Shareholder Sell 29,860 shares @ $9.20 $274,712.00 2/15/2024 $9.18
HUBS HubSpot Dawson Alyssa Harvey Insider Sell 1,086 shares @ $618.25 $671,419.50 2/16/2024 $582.03
IBKR Interactive Brokers Group Earl H Nemser Vice Chairman Sell 10,000 shares @ $103.53 $1,035,300.00 2/15/2024 $103.67
ICHR Ichor Philip Ryan Sr. Barros CTO Sell 7,226 shares @ $45.39 $327,988.14 2/16/2024 $42.07
ICHR Ichor Christopher Smith Insider Sell 23,433 shares @ $45.08 $1,056,359.64 2/16/2024 $42.07
ICHR Ichor Thomas M Rohrs Director Sell 50,000 shares @ $45.37 $2,268,500.00 2/16/2024 $42.07
InMed Pharmaceuticals
Eric Ashley Adams (Director) Buy 41,600 C$14,921.92 2/20/2024 $115.90
INGR Ingredion Larry Fernandes SVP Sell 2,369 shares @ $115.08 $272,624.52 2/20/2024 $31.64
IOT Samsara Adam Eltoukhy Insider Sell 9,344 shares @ $34.75 $324,704.00 2/15/2024 $439.12
IT Gartner Valentin Sribar EVP Sell 682 shares @ $453.00 $308,946.00 2/16/2024 $145.55
J Jacobs Solutions Shelette M Gustafson EVP Sell 1,852 shares @ $148.00 $274,096.00 2/16/2024 $25.11
LEGH Legacy Housing Kenneth E Shipley EVP Sell 34,000 shares @ $24.40 $829,600.00 2/16/2024 $25.11
LEGH Legacy Housing Douglas M Shipley Major Shareholder Sell 33,000 shares @ $24.40 $805,200.00 2/16/2024 $17.95
LEVI Levi Strauss & Co. Margaret E Haas Major Shareholder Sell 9,462 shares @ $18.01 $170,410.62 2/20/2024 $48.47
LITE Lumentum Matthew Joseph Sepe CAO Sell 9,903 shares @ $49.23 $487,524.69 2/15/2024 $9.78
LZ Nicole Miller EVP Sell 16,536 shares @ $10.64 $175,943.04 2/16/2024 $242.64
MAR Marriott International Rena Hozore Reiss EVP Sell 3,563 shares @ $240.39 $856,509.57 2/15/2024 $242.64
MAR Marriott International Deborah Marriott Harrison Insider Sell 37,300 shares @ $241.46 $9,006,458.00 2/16/2024 $242.64
MAR Marriott International Eric Hippeau Director Sell 2,600 shares @ $237.40 $617,240.00 2/15/2024 $468.31
META Meta Platforms Mark Zuckerberg CEO Sell 34,398 shares @ $473.83 $16,298,804.34 2/16/2024 $468.31
META Meta Platforms Javier Olivan COO Sell 7,556 shares @ $473.28 $3,576,103.68 2/15/2024 $468.31
META Meta Platforms Andrew Bosworth CTO Sell 8,036 shares @ $473.28 $3,803,278.08 2/15/2024 $468.31
META Meta Platforms Susan J Li CFO Sell 10,956 shares @ $473.28 $5,185,255.68 2/15/2024 $468.31
META Meta Platforms Nicholas Clegg Insider Sell 2,025 shares @ $473.28 $958,392.00 2/15/2024 $67.08
MKC McCormick & Company, Incorporated Michael D Mangan Director Sell 5,000 shares @ $65.20 $326,000.00 2/15/2024 $532.49
MLM Martin Marietta Materials Sue W Cole Director Sell 1,724 shares @ $543.48 $936,959.52 2/16/2024 $53.12
MLTX MoonLake Immunotherapeutics Da Silva Jorge Santos CEO Sell 20,000 shares @ $60.18 $1,203,600.00 2/15/2024 $53.12
MLTX MoonLake Immunotherapeutics Da Silva Jorge Santos CEO Sell 20,000 shares @ $57.44 $1,148,800.00 2/20/2024 $81.13
MMS Maximus David Mutryn CFO Sell 8,000 shares @ $83.95 $671,600.00 2/16/2024 $399.47
MOH Molina Healthcare Richard M Schapiro Director Sell 1,000 shares @ $401.05 $401,050.00 2/20/2024 $271.18
MORN Morningstar Joseph D Mansueto Chairman Sell 1,367 shares @ $277.60 $379,479.20 2/16/2024 $94.90
NET Cloudflare Michelle Zatlyn COO Sell 277,376 shares @ $101.17 $28,062,129.92 2/15/2024 $94.90
NET Cloudflare Michelle Zatlyn COO Sell 25,640 shares @ $96.32 $2,469,644.80 2/20/2024 $7,468.32
NVR NVR Paul C Saville Chairman Sell 500 shares @ $7,525.06 $3,762,530.00 2/15/2024 $62.68
NVT nVent Electric Jerry W Burris Director Sell 4,008 shares @ $63.39 $254,067.12 2/16/2024 $1,046.11
ORLY O’Reilly Automotive David E Oreilly Chairman Sell 10,000 shares @ $1,053.58 $10,535,800.00 2/16/2024 $146.04
PAG Penske Automotive Group Greg C. Smith Director Sell 1,604 shares @ $149.38 $239,605.52 2/16/2024 $5.38
PAYO Payoneer Global Tsafi Goldman Insider Sell 61,464 shares @ $5.43 $333,749.52 2/15/2024 $86.38
PFSI PennyMac Financial Services Daniel Stanley Perotti CFO Sell 11,400 shares @ $88.50 $1,008,900.00 2/15/2024 $99.01
PI Impinj Cathal G Phelan Insider Sell 10,000 shares @ $106.23 $1,062,300.00 2/15/2024 $14.79
PR Permian Resources Brent P Jensen CAO Sell 203,687 shares @ $14.55 $2,963,645.85 2/15/2024 $169.38
RGA Reinsurance Group of America William L Hutton EVP Sell 1,588 shares @ $171.83 $272,866.04 2/15/2024 $109.89
RPM RPM International Frederick R Nance Director Sell 1,835 shares @ $109.05 $200,106.75 2/15/2024 $109.89
RPM RPM International Matthew T Ratajczak VP Sell 6,000 shares @ $109.63 $657,780.00 2/15/2024 $63.51
SCHW Charles Schwab Charles R Schwab Chairman Sell 71,226 shares @ $64.99 $4,628,977.74 2/15/2024 $63.51
SCHW Charles Schwab Peter B Crawford CFO Sell 8,000 shares @ $64.76 $518,080.00 2/15/2024 $95.17
SHAK Shake Shack Daniel Harris Meyer Director Sell 30,000 shares @ $95.25 $2,857,500.00 2/15/2024 $3.68
SOUN SoundHound AI Keyvan Mohajer CEO Sell 107,927 shares @ $3.70 $399,329.90 2/15/2024 $422.18
SPGI S&P Global Douglas L Peterson CEO Sell 6,000 shares @ $424.74 $2,548,440.00 2/15/2024 $180.96
SPSC SPS Commerce Kimberly K Nelson CFO Sell 5,197 shares @ $187.44 $974,125.68 2/20/2024 $180.96
SPSC SPS Commerce James J Frome COO Sell 2,825 shares @ $187.47 $529,602.75 2/20/2024 $14.75
SRRK Scholar Rock Jay T Backstrom CEO Sell 11,614 shares @ $15.74 $182,804.36 2/16/2024 $72.36
STT State Street Anthony Bisegna EVP Sell 2,606 shares @ $73.00 $190,238.00 2/16/2024 $259.02
SWAV Shockwave Medical Laura Francis Director Sell 1,000 shares @ $250.00 $250,000.00 2/16/2024 $47.63
SWTX SpringWorks Therapeutics Daniel Pichl Insider Sell 15,000 shares @ $50.10 $751,500.00 2/16/2024 $1,163.31
TDG TransDigm Group W Nicholas Howley Director Sell 2,391 shares @ $1,160.55 $2,774,875.05 2/16/2024 $1,163.31
TDG TransDigm Group Joel Reiss COO Sell 3,000 shares @ $1,140.48 $3,421,440.00 2/15/2024 $12.94
TEVA Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Richard D Francis CEO Sell 74,530 shares @ $13.15 $980,069.50 2/15/2024 $547.11
TMO Thermo Fisher Scientific Marc N Casper CEO Sell 5,547 shares @ $550.62 $3,054,289.14 2/15/2024 $163.44
TMUS T-Mobile US G Michael Sievert CEO Sell 40,000 shares @ $161.05 $6,442,000.00 2/15/2024 $163.44
TMUS T-Mobile US Mark Wolfe Nelson EVP Sell 13,872 shares @ $160.27 $2,223,265.44 2/16/2024 $163.44
TMUS T-Mobile US Michael J Katz Insider Sell 6,655 shares @ $161.23 $1,072,985.65 2/16/2024 $163.44
TMUS T-Mobile US Peter Osvaldik CFO Sell 20,000 shares @ $161.30 $3,226,000.00 2/20/2024 $163.44
TMUS T-Mobile US Telekom Ag Deutsche Director Sell 194,910 shares @ $160.48 $31,279,156.80 2/16/2024 $163.44
TMUS T-Mobile US Telekom Ag Deutsche Director Sell 194,910 shares @ $162.10 $31,594,911.00 2/20/2024 $235.17
TSCO Tractor Supply Matthew L Rubin SVP Sell 725 shares @ $238.09 $172,615.25 2/15/2024 $80.92
TTD Trade Desk Laura Schenkein CFO Sell 3,391 shares @ $89.53 $303,596.23 2/16/2024 $80.92
TTD Trade Desk Samantha Jacobson Insider Sell 15,006 shares @ $83.57 $1,254,051.42 2/20/2024 $80.92
TTD Trade Desk Jay R Grant Insider Sell 2,136 shares @ $89.53 $191,236.08 2/16/2024 $55.88
TWLO Twilio Dana Wagner Insider Sell 1,666 shares @ $62.92 $104,824.72 2/15/2024 $55.88
TWLO Twilio Aidan Viggiano CFO Sell 1,694 shares @ $63.01 $106,738.94 2/15/2024 $40.65
USB U.S. Bancorp James L Chosy EVP Sell 21,582 shares @ $41.47 $895,005.54 2/16/2024 $18.65
UTZ Utz Brands Roger K Deromedi Director Sell 32,052 shares @ $19.10 $612,193.20 2/15/2024 $18.65
UTZ Utz Brands Roger K Deromedi Director Sell 7,010 shares @ $19.07 $133,680.70 2/20/2024 $9.35
VCSA Vacasa Mossytree Inc. Major Shareholder Sell 12,500 shares @ $9.19 $114,875.00 2/16/2024 $10.08
VIR Vir Biotechnology George A Scangos Director Sell 10,878 shares @ $10.24 $111,390.72 2/16/2024 $10.08
VIR Vir Biotechnology George A Scangos Director Sell 16,872 shares @ $10.22 $172,431.84 2/20/2024 $40.69
VZ Verizon Communications Kyle Malady CEO Sell 15,000 shares @ $40.33 $604,950.00 2/15/2024 $138.07
WWD Woodward John D Cohn Director Sell 1,500 shares @ $138.86 $208,290.00 2/15/2024 $39.92
Roy Sebag (Director) Buy 10,000 C$78,700.00 2/20/2024
ZION Zions Bancorporation, National Association Steven Dan Stephens EVP Sell 7,500 shares @ $40.81 $306,075.00 2/16/2024

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