Analyst Ratings Coverage
STA Research has initiated coverage on Crombie Real Estate Investment Trust by assigning it a “Speculative Buy” rating. This suggests a positive and speculative outlook on Crombie’s future performance, and the assigned target price is set at CAD 14.75. The “Speculative Buy” rating implies that STA Research sees potential for growth but acknowledges an element of risk or uncertainty in the investment.
RBC has adjusted its target price for Crombie Real Estate Investment Trust to CAD 15 while maintaining a “Sector Perform” rating. This suggests a more neutral stance from RBC, indicating that the trust’s performance is expected to align with the overall sector. The adjusted target price of CAD 15 reflects RBC’s valuation of Crombie within the context of sector dynamics.
Crombie Real Estate Stock Analysis
According to the consensus of 7 analysts, Crombie Real Estate Investment Trust is anticipated to have an average target price of CAD 16.33 over the next 12 months. The prevailing sentiment among analysts is categorized as “Strong Buy,” indicating a high level of optimism regarding the trust’s future performance.
Stock Target Advisor’s internal analysis of Crombie Real Estate Investment Trust provides a Slightly Bullish outlook. This assessment is based on 10 positive signals and 7 negative signals identified through their proprietary analysis.
As of the last closing, the stock price of Crombie Real Estate Investment Trust was CAD 13.30. The stock has experienced slight fluctuations, with a marginal decline of -0.52% over the past week. However, over the past month, there has been a positive shift of +7.26%. Looking at a broader timeframe, the stock has seen a decline of -17.60% over the last year.

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