First Majestic Silver Corp Stock Forecast:
The article provides an analysis of the stock forecast for First Majestic Silver Corp based on the opinions of 7 analysts. The average target price for the company’s stock over the next 12 months is USD 11.05, and the average analyst rating is Strong Buy. However, Stock Target Advisor‘s analysis of the company’s stock is Neutral, based on 6 positive and 6 negative signals. As of the last closing, the company’s stock price was USD 7.24, and it has experienced a decline of -7.18% over the past week, -2.69% over the past month, and -44.52% over the last year.
Analysts Coverage Change:
- Scotia Capital maintains a “Sector Perform” rating for First Majestic Silver Corp. with a price target of $9.
- H.C. Wainwright maintains a “Buy” rating and raises the price target to $11 from $10.50 on the company’s stock.
Positive Fundamentals:
First Majestic Silver Corp has a high market capitalization, indicating stability and is among the top quartile of companies in its sector. It has superior risk-adjusted returns, performing well compared to its sector peers and is in the top quartile. The company has low debt, making it more flexible, and positive cash flow, including positive total free cash flow in the most recent four quarters. Additionally, it has demonstrated superior revenue growth compared to its sector in the previous 5 years.
Negative Fundamentals:
First Majestic Silver Corp. has high volatility and has underperformed its peers in terms of total returns over the past 5 years. The stock is also overpriced compared to its peers on a price-to-earnings, price-to-cash flow, and price-to-free cash flow basis. Additionally, the company has shown below median earnings growth in the past 5 years compared to its sector. Therefore, investors should proceed with caution if considering investing in this stock.
FA Score (Fundamental Analysis):
The fundamental analysis of First Majestic Silver Corp. is “Neutral” with a FA score of 5 out of 10, where 0 is very bearish and 10 is very bullish.