ADT1:LSE Adriatic Metals

GBX 224.50 0.00 0

Adriatic Metals (ADT1:LSE) Stock Analysis and Price Targets

COMMON STOCK | Other Industrial Metals & Mining | LSE


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Slightly Bearish

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GBX 224.50

0.00 (0.00)%

GBX 0.68B


GBX -1.00




Adriatic Metals (GBX)
GBX 224.50
0.00 0
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Adriatic Metals (ADT1:LSE) Stock Performance Metrics

Stock Target Advisor calculates market performance metrics, such as capital gain and volatility, of all the stocks in our database on a daily basis and then compares and ranks the metrics against those of other stocks in the same industries and exchanges. This allows our users to quickly determine how a stock is performing against its peers.

  Market Performance vs.
Industry/Classification (Other Industrial Metals & Mining)
Market Performance vs. Exchange
  Value Sector Median Percentile Rank Grade Market Median Percentile Rank Grade

How do we grade Adriatic Metals (ADT1:LSE's) market performance?

Financial ratios do not impart much information on their own unless they are compared against the ratios of similar stocks. Every day we run millions of calculations to determine the pertinent ratios for each stock, and then we rank the stock against the stocks in the same exchange and sector for each ratio and assign a grade based on the percentile ranking based on the table below. Stock Target Advisor’s users can quickly determine where their favourite stocks stand by looking at their grades for key ratios.

Grade Percentile Grade Percentile Grade Percentile
A+ 97%-100% A 93%-96% A- 90%-92%
B+ 87%-89% B 83%-86% B- 80%-82%
C+ 77%-79% C 73%-76% C- 70%-72%
D+ 67%-69% D 63%-66% D- 60%-62%
F 0%-59%

Frequently Asked Questions About (ADT1:LSE) Stock

The YTD Capital Gain of Adriatic Metals stock (ADT1:LSE) as of 2024-04-27 is , compared to its sector's median of . Adriatic Metals's YTD Capital Gain is in the N/A% percentile, which earns it a grade of .

The low grade of Adriatic Metals's YTD Capital Gain indicates that its stock performance is lagging behind the sector. This could be a sign of potential risks or underperformance. Investors should be cautious and consider other financial ratios and analyst insights for a more informed decision.

The YTD Dividend Return of Adriatic Metals stock (ADT1:LSE) as of 2024-04-27 is , compared to its sector's median of . Adriatic Metals's YTD Dividend Return ranks in the N/A% percentile, earning it a grade of .

The lower grade of Adriatic Metals's YTD Dividend Return points to a below-average income potential from dividends, which might be a result of various strategic or financial challenges. This lower return could indicate a potential risk for income-seeking investors, suggesting a need for a deeper analysis of the company's long-term financial stability and dividend sustainability.

The YTD Total Return of Adriatic Metals stock (ADT1:LSE) as of 2024-04-27 is , compared to its sector's median of . Adriatic Metals's YTD Total Return ranks in the N/A% percentile, earning it a grade of .

The lower grade of Adriatic Metals's YTD Total Return signals underperformance in terms of both capital gains and dividend income, which might raise concerns about the stock’s potential as a lucrative investment. Lower total returns could indicate underlying issues or a lack of growth potential, warranting a cautious approach and thorough analysis for investors focused on long-term growth and income.

The 12-month Capital Gain of Adriatic Metals stock (ADT1:LSE) as of 2024-04-27 is , compared to its sector's median of . Adriatic Metals's 12-month Capital Gain ranks in the N/A% percentile, earning it a grade of .

The lower grade of Adriatic Metals's 12-month Capital Gain indicates a below-average stock price performance, which may point to market uncertainties or operational challenges. This could be a signal for investors to exercise caution, thoroughly analyze the company's prospects, and consider the potential for future growth and recovery.

The 12-month Dividend Return of Adriatic Metals stock (ADT1:LSE) as of 2024-04-27 is , compared to its sector's median of . Adriatic Metals's 12-month Dividend Return ranks in the % percentile, earning it a grade of .

The lower grade of Adriatic Metals's 12-month Dividend Return points to a weaker performance in dividend income, potentially due to various strategic or financial challenges. This might signal a need for caution for income-focused investors, emphasizing the importance of evaluating the company's long-term dividend-paying capacity and overall financial health.

The 12-month Total Return of Adriatic Metals stock (ADT1:LSE) as of 2024-04-27 is , compared to its sector's median of [12-Month Total Return of Sector]%. Adriatic Metals's 12-month Total Return ranks in the N/A% percentile, earning it a grade of .

The lower grade of Adriatic Metals's 12-month Total Return suggests underperformance, with limited capital gains and possibly lower dividend returns. This might indicate potential risks or a lack of growth opportunities, requiring investors to exercise caution and conduct a comprehensive analysis of the company’s future growth prospects and dividend sustainability.

The 5-year Capital Gain of Adriatic Metals stock (ADT1:LSE) as of 2024-04-27 is , compared to its sector's median of . Adriatic Metals's 5-year Capital Gain ranks in the N/A% percentile, earning it a grade of .

Note: Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

The lower grade of Adriatic Metals's 5-year Capital Gain points to a less favorable growth trend over the years. While this might indicate potential risks or challenges, it's important for investors to assess the current company outlook, as past underperformance is not an absolute indicator of future results.

The 5-year Dividend Return of Adriatic Metals stock (ADT1:LSE) as of 2024-04-27 is , compared to its sector's median of . Adriatic Metals's 5-year Dividend Return ranks in the N/A% percentile, earning it a grade of .

Note: Past dividend returns are not a reliable indicator of future dividend performance.

The lower grade of Adriatic Metals's 5-year Dividend Return implies a weaker track record in dividend payments, which could be a concern for income-focused investors. It's crucial to analyze the company’s current dividend policy and financial stability, as past lower returns do not always predict future dividend trends.

The 5-year Volatility (standard deviation of returns) of Adriatic Metals stock (ADT1:LSE) as of 2024-04-27 is , compared to its sector's median of . Adriatic Metals's 5-year Volatility ranks in the N/A percentile, earning it a grade of .

Note: Lower volatility is generally associated with lower risk, but it does not guarantee future performance stability.

The lower grade of Adriatic Metals's 5-year Volatility suggests higher risk, with more significant variations in returns. This increased volatility might offer potential for higher returns but also comes with greater risk, suitable for more risk-tolerant investors. As always, it's crucial to analyze the current and future market dynamics as high past volatility can imply similar future trends.

The 5-year Risk-Adjusted Return of Adriatic Metals stock (ADT1:LSE) as of 2024-04-27 is , compared to its sector's average of . Adriatic Metals's 5-year Risk-Adjusted Return ranks in the N/A percentile, earning it a grade of .

Note: Higher risk-adjusted returns indicate a more favorable balance of risk and reward, but do not guarantee future performance.

The lower grade of Adriatic Metals's 5-year Risk-Adjusted Return points to a less favorable return relative to the risk incurred, which could suggest inefficiencies or missed opportunities. Investors should be cautious, examining the company's risk management strategies and market position to understand potential future performance better.

Stock Target Advisor's Analysis

This is a composite scorecard based on the application of evaluation criteria deemed most important by analysts. This is not a buy or sell recommendation.

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