702B:F Yangarra Resources Ltd

EUR 0.69 +0.01 ( +0.74)%

Yangarra Resources Ltd (702B:F) Stock Analysis and Price Targets

COMMON STOCK | Oil & Gas E&P | F


Average Analyst


Top Analyst

Slightly Bullish

Stock Target Advisor


Average User

EUR 0.69

+0.01 (+0.74)%

EUR 0.07B






Yangarra Resources Ltd (EUR)
EUR 0.69
+0.01 ( +0.74)%


Average Analyst


Top Analyst

Slightly Bullish

Stock Target Advisor


Average User

EUR 0.07B


EUR 0.69

Yangarra Resources Ltd (702B:F) Stock Forecast


Based on the Yangarra Resources Ltd stock forecast from 0 analysts, the average analyst target price for Yangarra Resources Ltd is not available over the next 12 months. Yangarra Resources Ltd’s average analyst rating is not available. Stock Target Advisor’s own stock analysis of Yangarra Resources Ltd is Slightly Bullish , which is based on 4 positive signals and 3 negative signals. At the last closing, Yangarra Resources Ltd’s stock price was EUR 0.6850000000000001. Yangarra Resources Ltd’s stock price has changed by +4.58% over the past week, -4.86% over the past month and -43.85% over the last year.

No recent analyst target price found for Yangarra Resources Ltd
No recent average analyst rating found for Yangarra Resources Ltd

Company Overview Yangarra Resources Ltd

Yangarra Resources Ltd., a junior oil and gas company, engages in the exploration, development, and production of oil and natural gas properties in Western Canada. The company focuses on the Cardium in Central Alberta. It also focuses on the Western Canadian Sedimentary basin. Th...Read More


715-5th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, Canada, T2P 2X6





Adjusted Closing Price for Yangarra Resources Ltd (702B:F)


Unadjusted Closing Price for Yangarra Resources Ltd (702B:F)


Share Trading Volume for Yangarra Resources Ltd Shares


Compare Performance of Yangarra Resources Ltd Shares

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CNOOC Ltd +0.06 (+2.65%) EUR105.77B 5.74 3.52

Frequently Asked Questions About Yangarra Resources Ltd (702B:F) Stock

Stock Target Advisor's fundamental analysis for Yangarra Resources Ltd's stock is Slightly Bullish .

Unfortunately we do not have enough data on 702B:F's stock to indicate if its a good dividend stock.

Unfortunately we do not have enough data on 702B:F's stock to indicate what its average analyst target is.

702B:F stock's Price/Earning ratio is 2.36. Our analysis grades 702B:F stock's Price / Earning ratio at A-. This means that 702B:F stock's Price/Earning ratio is above 9.999999999999998% of the stocks in the Oil & Gas E&P sector in the F exchange. Based on this 702B:F may be undervalued for its sector.

The last closing price of 702B:F's stock was EUR 0.69.

The most recent market capitalization for 702B:F is EUR 0.07B.

Unfortunately we do not have enough analyst data on 702B:F's stock to indicate whether its price will go up or not.

We can't find any ETFs which contains Yangarra Resources Ltd's stock.

As per our most recent records Yangarra Resources Ltd has 72 Employees.

Yangarra Resources Ltd's registered address is 715-5th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, Canada, T2P 2X6. You can get more information about it from Yangarra Resources Ltd's website at https://www.yangarra.ca.
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Stock Target Advisor's Analysis

This is a composite scorecard based on the application of evaluation criteria deemed most important by analysts. This is not a buy or sell recommendation.

What to like

What not to like

Frequently Asked Questions About Yangarra Resources Ltd (702B:F) Stock

Stock Target Advisor's fundamental analysis for Yangarra Resources Ltd's stock is Slightly Bullish .

Unfortunately we do not have enough data on 702B:F's stock to indicate if its a good dividend stock.

Unfortunately we do not have enough data on 702B:F's stock to indicate what its average analyst target is.

702B:F stock's Price/Earning ratio is 2.36. Our analysis grades 702B:F stock's Price / Earning ratio at A-. This means that 702B:F stock's Price/Earning ratio is above 9.999999999999998% of the stocks in the Oil & Gas E&P sector in the F exchange. Based on this 702B:F may be undervalued for its sector.

The last closing price of 702B:F's stock was EUR 0.69.

The most recent market capitalization for 702B:F is EUR 0.07B.

Unfortunately we do not have enough analyst data on 702B:F's stock to indicate whether its price will go up or not.

We can't find any ETFs which contains Yangarra Resources Ltd's stock.

As per our most recent records Yangarra Resources Ltd has 72 Employees.

Yangarra Resources Ltd's registered address is 715-5th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, Canada, T2P 2X6. You can get more information about it from Yangarra Resources Ltd's website at https://www.yangarra.ca.
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