HPL:NSE HPL Electric & Power Limited

INR 403.90 0.00 ( 0.00%)

HPL Electric & Power Limited (HPL:NSE) Stock Analysis and Price Targets

COMMON STOCK | Electrical Equipment & Parts | NSE

Strong Buy

Average Analyst

Strong Buy

Top Analyst


Stock Target Advisor


Average User

INR 403.90

0.00 (0.00%)

INR 34.04B


INR 660.00(+63.41%)




HPL Electric & Power Limited (INR)
INR 403.90
0.00 ( 0.00%)

Strong Buy

Average Analyst

Strong Buy

Top Analyst


Stock Target Advisor


Average User

INR 34.04B


INR 403.90

HPL Electric & Power Limited (HPL:NSE) Stock Forecast

Show ratings and price targets of :
INR 660.00

Based on the HPL Electric & Power Limited stock forecast from 1 analysts, the average analyst target price for HPL Electric & Power Limited is INR 660.00 over the next 12 months. HPL Electric & Power Limited’s average analyst rating is Strong Buy. Stock Target Advisor’s own stock analysis of HPL Electric & Power Limited is Bearish, which is based on 4 positive signals and 11 negative signals. At the last closing, HPL Electric & Power Limited’s stock price was INR 403.90. HPL Electric & Power Limited’s stock price has changed by -12.01% over the past week, -19.49% over the past month and +17.06% over the last year.

No recent analyst target price found for HPL Electric & Power Limited
No recent average analyst rating found for HPL Electric & Power Limited

Company Overview HPL Electric & Power Limited

HPL Electric & Power Limited manufactures and sells electric equipment under the HPL brand in India. It offers digital panel and energy, multi-function, din rail, 1Ph and 3P direct connection counter/LCD, trivector, dual source projection, long range integrated, import export " n...Read More


76-B, Phase-IV, Sonipat, India, 131028





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Frequently Asked Questions About HPL Electric & Power Limited (HPL:NSE) Stock

Based on ratings from 1 analysts HPL Electric & Power Limited's stock is Strong Buy. Stock Target Advisor's fundamental analysis is Bearish. The stock has 1 buy, sell and hold ratings.

HPL:NSE stock's dividend yield is 0.20%. Our analysis grades HPL:NSE stock's dividend yield at F. This means that HPL:NSE stock's dividend yield is above 23% of the stocks in the Electrical Equipment & Parts sector in the NSE exchange. Based on this HPL:NSE may be a poor dividend stock for its sector.

Based on targets from 1 analysts, the average taret price for HPL:NSE is INR 660.00 over the next 12 months. The maximum analyst target price is INR 660 while the minimum anlayst target price is INR 660.

HPL:NSE stock's Price/Earning ratio is 58.80. Our analysis grades HPL:NSE stock's Price / Earning ratio at F. This means that HPL:NSE stock's Price/Earning ratio is above 72% of the stocks in the Electrical Equipment & Parts sector in the NSE exchange. Based on this HPL:NSE may be a overvalued for its sector.

The last closing price of HPL:NSE's stock was INR 403.90.

The most recent market capitalization for HPL:NSE is INR 34.04B.

Based on targets from 1 analysts, the average taret price for HPL:NSE is projected at INR 660.00 over the next 12 months. This means that HPL:NSE's stock price may go up by +63.41% over the next 12 months.

We can't find any ETFs which contains HPL Electric & Power Limited's stock.

As per our most recent records HPL Electric & Power Limited has 1,262 Employees.

HPL Electric & Power Limited's registered address is 76-B, Phase-IV, Sonipat, India, 131028. You can get more information about it from HPL Electric & Power Limited's website at https://www.hplindia.com.
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Stock Target Advisor's Analysis

This is a composite scorecard based on the application of evaluation criteria deemed most important by analysts. This is not a buy or sell recommendation.

What to like

What not to like

Frequently Asked Questions About HPL Electric & Power Limited (HPL:NSE) Stock

Based on ratings from 1 analysts HPL Electric & Power Limited's stock is Strong Buy. Stock Target Advisor's fundamental analysis is Bearish. The stock has 1 buy, sell and hold ratings.

HPL:NSE stock's dividend yield is 0.20%. Our analysis grades HPL:NSE stock's dividend yield at F. This means that HPL:NSE stock's dividend yield is above 23% of the stocks in the Electrical Equipment & Parts sector in the NSE exchange. Based on this HPL:NSE may be a poor dividend stock for its sector.

Based on targets from 1 analysts, the average taret price for HPL:NSE is INR 660.00 over the next 12 months. The maximum analyst target price is INR 660 while the minimum anlayst target price is INR 660.

HPL:NSE stock's Price/Earning ratio is 58.80. Our analysis grades HPL:NSE stock's Price / Earning ratio at F. This means that HPL:NSE stock's Price/Earning ratio is above 72% of the stocks in the Electrical Equipment & Parts sector in the NSE exchange. Based on this HPL:NSE may be a overvalued for its sector.

The last closing price of HPL:NSE's stock was INR 403.90.

The most recent market capitalization for HPL:NSE is INR 34.04B.

Based on targets from 1 analysts, the average taret price for HPL:NSE is projected at INR 660.00 over the next 12 months. This means that HPL:NSE's stock price may go up by +63.41% over the next 12 months.

We can't find any ETFs which contains HPL Electric & Power Limited's stock.

As per our most recent records HPL Electric & Power Limited has 1,262 Employees.

HPL Electric & Power Limited's registered address is 76-B, Phase-IV, Sonipat, India, 131028. You can get more information about it from HPL Electric & Power Limited's website at https://www.hplindia.com.